what is hope? briefly n explain it...

What hope means

Hope is bright shining light which keeps darkness at bay
Hope is to remain positive when going gets tough
Hope is seeking more when others think you had enough
Hope is dreaming of tomorrow
Hope is simmering under sorrow
Hope is sparkles when tears in our eyes
Hope is a beautiful thing & beautiful things never dies
What hope means
Hope is as light as a feather
Hope keeps all of us together
Hope is ubiquitous and free of cost
hope is the last thing ever lost.....

I hope that you well get by
I hope that you well love me
I hope that you well care for me
I hope that you and I are happy
I hope that the day well came when we meet
I hope that you like what you see
I hope that you well love me
I hope that you and I well always be happy
I hope that I well not make you cry
I hope that we will last for life
I hope that love is what we will see in one other
I hope that you never leave me
I hope
I hope
I hope this well came true
I hope
I hope
I can only hope

then i see know why im still hoping on u
Hope is what keeps us living Love it and
about hope is u..
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